If you are living in Hong Kong or are planning to move there, Hong Kong Cupid is a first rate site to find single women living in the city. In the last couple of years, this international dating website has become more popular, both with Westerners as with locals. Hong Kong Cupid is available in both English and Chinese.
Due to its scale and location the amount of members is lower than say, China Love Cupid. However, the members are based in a much smaller area which means that finding a good match close to you is much easier.
Hong Kong Cupid is part of the Cupid network and uses the standard framework. This means that interface, setup and usability is very good and professional. No issues with searching and finding good possible dates. As usual the platform has a easy to use translation tool, so that you can translate messages from English to Chinese and vice versa.
Average response rate on Hong Kong Cupid is quite good. The trick here is to really get into detail on the profiles and focus a bit more on the contents of your message. Hong Kong women are notoriously picky and focus relatively more on social status. You can use instant messaging, email and video chat to good effect if you are in contact with other members.
Overall Hong Kong Cupid is a nice mathmaking platform, especially if you are new to the city. You can come into contact with nice local women in an easy and effecient way. Of course, you will have to put in some work to get to the date, but all the groundwork is laid out for you on Hong Kong Cupid. It is possibly one of the easiest ways to meet women from the area.